Our Team

David Turnbull

Executive Trainer

David Turnbull is a political journalist and a communications specialist with more than 30 years’ experience, and more than six years working with Communication & Media Manoeuvres.

He has extensive knowledge of the political arena, having served as Bureau Chief in the Nine Network’s Political Bureau in Parliament House for 20 years. This role combined the roles of reporter, producer, chief-of-staff and manager of an office of 20 journalists, cameramen and editors.

Besides long periods as a political correspondent for the Nine and Ten Networks, David’s TV career also included work at the ABC as news editor, reporter, presenter and Executive Producer of The 7.30 Report. He has also worked in radio and newspapers for the ABC, The West Australian and The Herald Sun.

Following his media work, he crossed to ‘the other side’ as a senior media adviser to the Shadow Treasurer and Leader of the Opposition and was the Director of Communications for the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry – the largest business advocacy group in Australia.

In short, he has seen the media from all angles, but media is not his only area of expertise. David has been part of every possible version of parliamentary inquiry, from attending or reporting on Senate Estimates to national inquiries and Royal Commissions.

As Media and Communications Director, he prepared witnesses with the best messages and right skills to handle all levels of interrogation by politicians, lawyers and commissioners.

David is a highly regarded and experienced member of the Communication & Media Manoeuvres training team.


All Communication & Media Manoeuvres trainers sign confidentiality agreements and are not currently working in the media.

Should any of our trainers be doing any freelance work in the media, we will inform clients before training is commissioned.