Senate Estimates, Royal Commissions and Government Inquiries

Be on the front foot, not on the ropes.

17. Senate Estimates Hearing
“This was a very valuable session and was provided in an informative, safe environment. The trainer was obviously very experienced and was very good at quickly coming up with questions that may be asked.”
Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet

Appearing at a Senate Estimates hearing, Royal Commission, or other government inquiry can be a daunting experience, whether it is the first time or the twentieth.

Structured preparation before the hearing has been proven to greatly assist in conquering performance nerves, and to provide witnesses with techniques to stay on message in the face of aggressive questioning.

Communication & Media Manoeuvres’ courses, conducted by highly trained communications professionals with extensive Senate estimates, Royal Commission and other government inquiry experience, arm trainees with the ability to respond to difficult questions in a calm and confident manner, on the run.

Why risk personal or organisational reputational damage from a poor performance or negative media coverage due to a lack of preparation?

After the training, your people will feel prepared and have confidence at the ready for the next critical appearance.

Find out if we’re the right fit.

To find out if we’re the right fit for your media training needs, call us or email for a confidential discussion. 

We’ll be happy to give you specific recommendations for training tailored to your objectives.