About Us

In-person and online media and executive presentation skills training for businesses, government and not-for-profits

We are not the ‘101’ of media training and executive presentation skills. We work with emerging and senior executives and leaders who need to speak well in situations where the stakes are at their highest – media interviews, key external and internal stakeholder presentations, team presentations, Board presentations, crisis communications, video and on-camera presenting, industry conference presentations, Senate estimates, government inquiries and Royal Commission appearances…

Our point of difference is that we work backwards! We understand an organisation’s strategic objectives and stakeholders, including the media, and align messaging and speaking skills to connect with meaning and engagement.

Do you have emerging and current leaders who need to be top-notch, engaging presenters who connect, who deliver key messages and stay on them with ease and authority and who can think on their feet to handle difficult and probing questions

Contact us for a confidential conversation about your or your organisation’s needs and the bespoke training/coaching we can tailor for you. We’re also happy to detail relevant current experience (and provide client testimonials).

Our media and presentation skills trainers

We are a national team of former journalists, corporate affairs leaders, communications practitioners, professional keynote speakers and accredited executive presence assessors and trainers. 

Every one of our trainers has personal experience presenting in high-stakes situations. They have all broadcast live to huge audiences. All of them have held their own toe-to-toe with demanding, accomplished individuals or groups.

Whatever their individual backgrounds, our trainers know first hand the pressure to remain articulate and on-message in the heat of the spotlight or key stakeholders. Their ability to communicate their expertise makes for a multidimensional training experience for your trainees — training built on proven executive education and executive presence frameworks, relevant research, industry, sector or government experience… and empathy.

That’s because we know your training could be called upon without notice with any audience or journalist, so we calibrate every lesson to stick.

Find out more about our executive team.

Find out if we’re the right fit.

To find out if we’re the right fit for your media training needs, call us or email for a confidential discussion. 

We’ll be happy to give you specific recommendations for training tailored to your objectives.