Has Opinion Become The New News Angle?

Has Opinion Become The New News Angle?It seems these days that news is no longer solely the domain of hard facts, events and people doing extraordinary things — there is another element driving the media agenda – opinion.
Whether it be comments from twitter, blogs, surveys, polls or talk back radio – public opinion is dominating much of the news.
Even journalists are no longer objective reporters of the truth; many have become commentators in their own right. A reporter interviewing another reporter has become commonplace.

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Has social media killed the media release?

Image by Chris Dichtel, Silicon Valley Graphic Artist.

In the frenetic rush to adapt to the shiny, new tools of social media, some public relations professionals are in danger of trampling on a tried and
proven method of communicating  – the media release. Media Manoeuvres Managing Director, Sam Elam believes social media is adding great value to the traditional media release as part of an
integrated media relations approach.

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Stop Press Canberra!…Finally…

In Canberra, each and every department, agency and office has its own media/public affairs team.  Many teams consist of a number of young graduates, who’ve taken their first public affairs positions straight out of TAFE or university.
According to Media Manoeuvres’, ACT Manager and Executive Trainer, Andrea Close, despite these stats, there is a glaring lack of services and support to help out the novice or even the more experienced practitioner. (more…)

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You Can Run But You Can't Hide

Tiger Woods might have written the book on how to make squillions from a tiny white ball.
But he – and most importantly his advisers (or should that be ill-advisors?) – won’t be penning a guide on handling a crisis in the media any day soon.
It’s true that keeping a stable of cocktail waitresses when you are a famous, married, sanctimonious, golfing family man is probably always going to be a tasty global media meal. (more…)

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The new normal for Corporate Communications functions

The new normal for Corporate Communications functionsThe past decade has witnessed transformational change in areas ranging from geopolitics to teenage leisure pursuits. But one of the most dramatic shifts has been in communication as digital technology, social networking and 24 hour news have become dominant forces in the transfer of information from business to business, from business to consumer and from consumer to consumer. The new dynamic has forced every business function to adapt, perhaps none more so than corporate communications.

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