International Keynote Speaker Kylie Bartlett on Changing Minds


Public Speaking is no Longer a ‘Soft Skill’ –  It’s Critical to Your Future Career Success

The hard data shows ‘soft skills’ are in high demand.

In a recent LinkedIn study, “persuasion” was one of the top skills “most worth learning”. According to the study, “strengthening a soft skill is one of the best investments you can make in your career, as they never go out of style.”

Deirdre McCloskey, an economist and historian at the University of Illinois, Chicago conducted a research project to prove that persuasion is responsible for growing a share of the USA’s national income. She analysed 250 occupations covering 140 million people and concluded persuasion is responsible for generating one-quarter of America’s total national income. McCloskey expects it to rise to 40% over the next 20 years. Her research was taken up by another economist in Australia who reached a similar conclusion.

It’s time we stop referring to public speaking and the art of persuasion as “soft skills”. There is nothing “soft” about these skills, as they are critical to your future career success.

We have literally transformed our executive presentation skills clients from dreary and run-of-the-mill presenters to presenters that are congratulated by their colleagues for being “outstanding” and audience members describing them as “exceptional” speakers.

Public speaking in any forum is a learned skill and there are few people who would not want to go to next level. We have made people “great”. Ask us how.

Watch our video to learn about the invaluable skill of changing minds!

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