International Keynote Speaker Kylie Bartlett on the Power of Public Speaking


What research says about presentation skills that could be holding executives back in their careers.

A survey published by Forbes (and conducted by Prezi) found that 70% of executives surveyed ranked presentation skills as a critical component to their career success. And 75% of them indicated they would like to improve their presentation skills further.

The survey also revealed the extreme measures executives will go to, to get out of presenting. 20% of the respondents said they would do almost anything to avoid giving a presentation, including pretending to be sick or asking a colleague to give the presentation, even if it resulted in “losing respect” within their organisation.

Clearly, there’s a lot of work to be done… so why are executives not prioritising improving their presentation skills?

We have literally transformed our executive presentation skills clients from dreary and run-of-the-mill presenters to presenters that are congratulated by their colleagues for being “outstanding” and audience members describing them as “exceptional” speakers.

Public speaking in any forum is a learned skill and there are few people who would not want to go to the next level. We have made people “great”. Ask us how.

Watch this video for our take on why!

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